Principal’s Welcome
Welcome to Our School
Dear Students, Parents, and Community Members,
It is with great pleasure and pride that I welcome you to our school’s website. As the principal, I am honoured to lead a vibrant community dedicated to nurturing the minds, hearts, and spirits of our students. Our ethos of community, care, equality, respect, and excellence in education forms the bedrock of everything we do.
At our school, we believe that education is a shared journey. We are dedicated to the mission of fostering respect and dignity in every student. We aim to create a safe and just environment where each individual is encouraged and supported to realise their potential. Our broad-based educational approach ensures that students are well-rounded, prepared not only for academic success but also for the challenges and opportunities of life beyond school.
I invite you to explore our website to learn more about our programmes, values, and the vibrant community that makes our school special. Whether you are a current member of our school community or visiting us for the first time, I hope you find our website informative and reflective of our commitment to excellence.
Ar aghaidh!
Frances Gibson

A Dhaltaí, a Thuismitheoirí, agus a Chairde
Is le bród agus mórtas a chuirim fáilte romhaibh chuig suíomh idirlín na scoile. Mar phríomhoide, is mór an onóir dom a bheith i gceannas ar phobal bríomhar atá dírithe ar aigní, croíthe agus spioraid ár ndaltaí a chothú. Tá an pobal, cúram, comhionannas, meas agus barr feabhais san oideachas neadaithe inár n-éiteas agus mar bhunchloch de gach a ndéanaimid.
Sa scoil seo againne, creidimid gur turas comhroinnte é an t-oideachas. Táimid tiomanta don mhisean chun meas agus dínit a chothú i ngach dalta. Tá sé mar aidhm againn timpeallacht shábháilte agus chóir a chruthú, ina spreagtar agus ina dtugtar tacaíocht do gach duine chun barr a gcumais a bhaint amach. Cinntíonn ár gcur chuige oideachasúil leathan-bhunaithe go mbíonn daltaí ilchumasach agus ullmhaithe, ní hamháin don rath acadúil, ach do dhúshláin agus do dheiseanna an tsaoil lasmuigh den scoil freisin.
Tugaim cuireadh daoibh breathnú ar ár suíomh idirlín chun tuilleadh a fhoghlaim faoinár gcláir, ár luachanna, agus an pobal bríomhar a chuireann lenár scoil speisialta. Cibé más ball reatha dár bpobal scoile thú nó má tá tú ag tabhairt cuairt orainn don chéad uair, tá súil agam go bhfaighidh tú eolas ar ár suíomh idirlín agus go léiríonn sé ár ndúthracht leis an gcaighdeán is airde a bhaint amach.
Ar aghaidh!
Frances Gibson