St. Mac Dara’s Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Policy is in full accordance with its Code of Behaviour whereby it promotes the development of positive relationships between students and between students and teachers in a safe and just environment through participation in school organised activities.

Teachers involved in extra-curricular or co-curricular activities with students should always try to interact positively with them, enhancing their involvement and enjoyment of the activity and promoting their welfare.  The Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular policy facilitates achievement of these aims and also protects teachers in their various roles by providing a framework for the promotion of good practice.

Guidelines for Teachers

  1. The first priority is the safety of the participants and the enjoyment of the activity.  Proper levels of supervision should take place at all times.


  1. Enjoyment of the activity should not depend on the level of performance or the result in competition.


  1. The teacher-coach should work in a safe environment and have a clear knowledge of his/her role and responsibilities.


  1. The teacher-coach is responsible for setting clear boundaries between a professional working relationship and friendship with the students who are participating.


  1. The teacher should operate to the school’s code of behaviour which emphasises good behaviour, respect for others, respect for rules, responsibility and a sense of fair play.


  1. Parents/guardians should show respect for the teacher-coach and make them aware of any special needs of the child.


  1. In the promotion of their own safety and the safety of students participating in activity, teachers should:
    • Be positive and praise and encourage effort as well as results.
    • Place the welfare and safety of students first.
    • Have the relevant knowledge and experience to work with young people.
    • Avoid overtraining and placing too strong an emphasis on winning.
    • Avoid situations where you are with lone students away from others.
    • Avoid taking lone students in their car.
    • At all times, avoid the use of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs during events or on trips.
    • Avoid using any form of foul language, aggressive behaviour or physical force towards a student.
    • Where coaching or another activity requires a ‘hands on’ approach by the teacher- coach, this should only occur in an open and appropriate way with the knowledge, permission and full understanding of the participant and, if necessary, his/her parents/guardians.
    • Avoid engaging in certain types of fitness testing without the presence of another adult.
    • Avoid undertaking any form of therapy (hypnosis etc.) in the training of children.
  1. Safety – regular safety checks should be carried out in relation to premises, training facilities and equipment.  Goalposts, in particular, should be checked regularly and self-standing goals should be secured to acceptable safety standards.
    • A first aid kit should be available at all training sessions/matches and injuries should be recorded, with a note of action taken in relation to each one.  Irrespective of importance of an activity/competition, injured players should not be played.
    • Parents/guardians should be notified of injuries/illness which their children incur while participating in an activity.
  1. Children/students participating in sport or another activity are entitled to:
    • Be safe.
    • Be treated with care, sensitivity and respect.
    • Have fun and enjoy the activity.
    • Make a complaint in an appropriate way and have it dealt with through fair and proper procedures.
    • Be listened and believed.
  1. Children/students participating in sport or another activity should:
    • Play fairly.
    • Respect opponents and their own team mates.
    • Be modest in victory and be gracious in defeat.
    • Avoid cheating, using abusive language or arguing with referees, team mates or opponents.
    • Avoid telling lies about adults or other children.
    • Avoid taking banned substances to improve performance.
    • Avoid keeping secrets about any person who may have caused them harm.
    • Ensure that such participation does not adversely affect academic progress by keeping up with classwork and homework.Under Child Protection Procedures, it is the duty of any person who has concerns about the welfare of a child or who suspects that the child has been abused, to report those concerns to the school’s Designated Liaison Person (D.L.P.).


      Guidelines for Educational Tours


  1. Plans for an educational tour should have the approval of the school principal.
  2. Full itinerary and tour details must be given to the school principal, to the County Dublin V.E.C. and to the parents(s)/ guardian(s) of students going on tour.  The itinerary should include names and addresses and phone numbers of hotels/accommodation where the group will be staying.
  3. Medical and Personal Accident insurance must be provided as an integral part of the cost of a school tour.
  4. All students will be fully informed of the appropriate rules and regulations and the expected standards of behaviour on tour.  Any breaches of these standards will be subject to appropriate sanctions in accordance with the school’s Code of Behaviour.
  5. Students will be given clear guidelines in advance of tour regarding procedures in the event of separation from the group or any other such emergency.
  6. The required number of wholetime teaching staff must accompany the students.  An appropriate number of male and female staff is required when the group comprises both boys and girls.
  7. Each student should have a contact phone number of the Group Leader while on tour.
  8. In case of emergency, the group leader should ensure the following procedures are followed:
    • The needs of the affected student(s) are met.
    • The parent(s)/guardian(s) of the affected student(s) are contacted.
    • The welfare and safety of the remaining students is catered for.
    • Sufficient numbers of staff remain with the affected student(s) and also with the remaining students.
    • Contact is made with the Principal or Deputy Principal or, failing that, a member of the school’s Critical Incident Team.
    • Liaison, where relevant, with the medical team in the region/country visited and, then, with the parent(s)/ guardian(s).The health, safety, and general welfare of students, must remain the primary concern of all teachers and must inform all decisions made in relation to students.