SPHE Subject Overview:

The Social, Personal and Health Education programme provided at Saint Mac Dara’s seeks to create a learning environment which allows pupils to encounter a wide range of issues. The focus is on promoting positive self-esteem and confidence. This child-centred, experiential approach allows for the learning of key skills which are needed in life.

Junior Cycle SPHE

First Year SPHE  (Click on the below picture to see in greater detail).

Second Year SPHE (Click on the picture below to see in greater detail).

Third Year SPHE (Click on the link below to see in greater detail)



Senior Cycle SPHE

The modules covered are:

Belonging and Integrating
Communication Skills
Physical Health
Emotional Health
Influences and Decisions
Substance Use
Personal Safety

Senior Cycle RSE

In 5th and 6th Year, students also receive classes in RSE (Relationship and Sexuality Education). The Modules covered are:

Consent and the Law
Healthy Relationships
Love, Commitment and Marriage
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Gender Equality, Discrimination, and Orientation
Staying Safe
Responsible Parenthood
Fertility and Conception