TY Graduation 2020

Congratulations TY class of 2020!
Our Transition Year class had their official showcase ceremony today, the 20th of May. This year’s showcase may have been in a Zoom meeting room but it didn’t take away from the fun, vibrant, positive atmosphere this class can create no matter where they go.
This TY class have been exceptional, they have said yes to every opportunity that came their way. They are now “masters” of Taekwondo and Korean culture. They could be booked as professional photographers, they can save a life, dissect a heart and they can sow a garden. They can make All-Ireland winning speeches as Gaeilge, They could host an election, they can argue in many languages, their computer skills have increased and they are artists in the making. They have shown care, friendship and kindness to new people, they have been to the trenches and they are eco-warriors. They can run the whole show, perform on stage and they are leaders. They can re-enact a Shakespearean tragedy in tracksuits! They stand up for people in the developing world, they are fit as fiddles and they are budding entrepreneurs. They can manage projects, work together as a team and have developed their skills and knowledge.
This class have shown kindness above all else, they have raised over €7000 for various charities throughout the year and aimed to reach €10,000 before the school closure. We are disappointed that their special year was cut short but on behalf of our Senior Management team, Mr Ed Carey and Breeda I would like to say a big thank you to every member of the class of 2020. I hope TY holds a special place in your heart for many years to come and I wish you every success in the future.
Jenna Clune