TY February Newsletter 2020
Our TY students have had a very busy time in the 6 short weeks since Christmas. Firstly, as part of our English class the students were entered in the very prestigious Shakespeare for School drama competition. The students chose to re-write Macbeth in a modern day setting. Preparations and practice took place every day. The event was held on Wednesday the 22nd of January and our students got the opportunity to act on stage in The Mill theatre in Dundrum. Students participated in a variety of ways from acting to stage design, costume, lighting, sound and props. Our students performed wonderfully on the night providing plenty of great laughs for the audience. They were nominated for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor and Best Director. St. Mac Dara’s CC won the Best Actor accolade. Well done to their teacher Ms Kelly and to all the students of the class.
Our next event was our annual non-uniform day for Cheeverstown House. Students organised the day and collected the money from our generous fellow students raising a fantastic €1200. This brings our total charity raising efforts to €7034.18 and it is only January! This is a wonderful achievement and we are very proud of the class.
Just before Midterm our students will have a visit from Kieran O’Brien’s Driving School of Excellence. Students will learn all about the safety precautions required in driving and owning a car and they will also each experience driving on the day for the first time. This will be a great incentive for students to apply for their Driver Theory test early.
Mr O’Brien will take students to County Cavan to a World War museum where students will visit a recreated war trench and learn all about the history of the war. This promises to be a great day out with plenty of educational value.
To finish up the term, very fittingly, students will spend St. Valentine’s Day fundraising for the Irish Heart Foundation. We look forward to our final term in Transition Year.
Important Information:
For any students hoping to apply for TY, we will be hosting a meet and greet session in the canteen on the 25th of February. That night Transition Year will be discussed with your parents/guardians at the Senior Cycle Options night. Application forms will be given out on February 26th and they will be due back the same day as your Senior Cycle Options form, the 6th of March. If you are applying for TY you must also fill out the Senior Cycle Options form.